semper: (latin) always
connexus: (latin) connected
In the spirit of free speech, SemperConnexus.Link is a Smart Link redirector specifically created as an ANTI Cancel-Culture tool for sharing web pages which allows you to provide a single link in your posts or emails to backup copies of the website around the internet referenced by a single link. (ie: Youtube, Rumble, Facebook, etc)
SemperConnexus.Link checks to make sure that the pages still are available at the location of the link prior to decoding the Smart Link. This way, if a page is cancelled on Youtube, the Smart Link would automatically direct you to the next existing copy of the file automatically, either on Youtube or other site.
When the page is cancelled, you are optionally emailed a notification that the page has been deleted or blocked. This allows you to add another link pointing to a copy of the page if you like.
If you prefer to use our API, please contact us at API@SemperConnexus.Link
Date/Time | Smart Link | # Live | Current Live Link |
How many times have you posted something on Social Media with a link to a video on a Streaming Site, only to have that video be deleted on you for any of a myriad of reasons?
Not only is it a hassle to go back and edit the posting to point to a newly uploaded video, if you even can, you would have to spend all your time making sure the videos are still online manually.
This is where SemperConnexus.Link comes in.
Similar to a URL shortener, SemperConnexus.Link allows you to enter a series of URLs for video link (or other media), and then you can use the SemperConnexus.Link/93848il type of link.
But, unlike a URL shortener, with SemperConnexus.Link you can enter many different URLs to your video, uploaded on any number of Streaming websites like Youtube, Brighteon, etc and you are guaranteed that it will always point to a video that is still available.
When you provide the list of URLs, SemperConnexus.Link periodically checks to make sure all of the videos are still online.
It then redirects the visitor to the next available video link (keeping the rest in reserve).
If the current one is no longer available, then the next one is provided, and you, the poster/uploader are notified by email that the video (or other file) has been cancelled, and asks you to re-upload it somewhere and provide the new URL.
Anyone who needs to always keep working links to videos or other files available.
Nothing, but if you want to be informed if your videos are cancelled, then we need an email address to send a notification to. Feel free to use email forwarding services such as the ones on this page.
Because we are anti-cancel-culture.
Zilch, Nada, Zero, Nula.
We do hope that if you like the service, you will donate something with PayPal to help us offset the costs.
We accept donations via PayPal.
Our technology provides services to other websites so there is no need for a pretty website.